Today, the Denver-based 10th Circuit Court of Appeals overturned Wyoming Federal District Court Judge Clarence Bremmer’s 2007 ruling that the 2001 Clinton Roadless Rule was illegal.
October 2011
Groups ask Supreme Court to Review Forest Road Case
The American Forest Resource Council (AFRC), together with a 6 other associations representing federal forest and rangeland resource businesses and families, has filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court supporting the requests of Oregon’s State Forester Doug Decker and the forest products industry for review of a decision about forest roads.
Forest Roads
Since 1976, forest roads have been regulated as nonpoint sources of pollution under the federal Clean Water Act. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit recently overturned 35 years of precedent by ruling that forest roads and associated stormwater ditches are point sources subject to National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits, the […]