February 2012

Draft Spotted Owl Critical Habitat Rule

The timber industry is unimpressed with the Obama Administration’s latest efforts to cloak its failed forest policies in the rhetoric of forest restoration, jobs and old growth protection. In a press conference, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and other Administration officials sought to downplay the impact of a new Northern Spotted Owl critical habitat proposal on […]

February 2012 Newsletter

Timely DC Trip Forest Planning Rule Salazar Visits Medford 2004 Sierra Framework Decision DNR Timber Program Report CFLRP Projects Colville Forest Vision 2020 Blue Mountains Forests Plan Revisions Agencies Settle Riparian Buffer Width Suit Are Targets Taken Seriously? New Board of Forestry Members Wood Solutions Fairs 2012 Annual Meeting

Secretary Salazar’s Failed Timber Policies Bad for Rural Oregon

Ken Salazar, President Obama’s Secretary of the Interior, was in Medford, Oregon today to tour the “Pilot Joe” demonstration project and hold a Town Hall meeting where he sought to downplay the impact of a new Northern Spotted Owl critical habitat designation and announced yet another lengthy administrative forest planning process for 2.5 million acres […]

O&C Land Legislation

Today, Oregon U.S. Representatives Peter DeFazio, Greg Walden and Kurt Schrader released a discussion draft of bipartisan legislation aimed at resolving the forest management and county revenue crisis facing much of western Oregon. The legislative proposal comes after months of effort by the offices to consider the needs of the forests, communities and local governments […]

Forest Planning Rule

Forest Service Planning Rule On January 26, 2012, the Forest Service released the Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) containing as the Preferred Alternative a new Forest Planning Rule. AFRC submitted detailed comments on the Draft Rule, issued February 14, 2011, expressing its members’ concerns about the policy direction the rule takes, the cost in taxpayer […]