January 2016

Mill Closure Information

The impacts of the Northwest Forest Plan, Eastside Screens, Sierra Nevada Framework and other landscape management plans that have been implemented during the past 20 years on federal timber lands have severely impacted the number of sawmills that remain in the west and those employed by the forest products industry.

January 2016 Newsletter

AFRC Welcomes New Members 2016 Annual Meeting Western Governors’ ESA Initiative AFRC Intervenes in Lost Creek/Boulder Creek Case Pacific Marten Case Supreme Court Declines on Critical Habitat Designations Pacific Fisher Listing Update Barred Owl Causing Spotted Owl Decline E. Washington Post Fire Restoration 2016 Washington Legislative Session Senator Knopp Introduces Wildfire Plan

Old Growth

The amount of old growth on federal lands increases every year. Wildfire is by far the major threat contributing 87% (102,500 acres) of what was lost in the first ten years of the Northwest Forest Plan.