June 2016

June 2016 Newsletter

Member Profile: Roseburg Forest Products AFRC Breaks Ground on Habitat Home Legislative Updates from Washington DC Court Win: Lost Creek-Boulder Creek Landscape Restoration Begins AFRC Asks Supreme Court to Take Up Forest Plan Consultation Case Idaho Panhandle Salvage Moves Forward Murrelet Update Public Lands Commissioner Candidate Forums New Acting State Director for Oregon BLM Ben […]

County Concerns Over New BLM Plan

The Association of O&C Counties’ issues and uncertainties regarding the BLM’s proposed resource management plan.

AFRC Asks Supreme Court to Take Up Case on Forest Plan Consultation

AFRC and its allies recently filed an amicus brief in support of the Solicitor General’s petition for certiorari asking the US Supreme Court to decide whether Forests Plans are ongoing actions subject to a continuous requirement to initiate ESA consultation.

Court Allows Lost Creek-Boulder Creek Project

After contentious litigation, an Idaho judge has denied a request for a temporary restraining order of the Lost-Creek-Boulder Creek landscape restoration project on the Payette National Forest. The project aims to restore approximately 80,000 acres in the Forest using varied silvicultural treatments, including 20,000 acres of commercial timber harvest.

Post-Fire Logging a Boon to Future Fire Prevention

A new study from the journal of Forest and Ecology Management suggests an evidenced correlation between timber harvesting in recently burned forest stands and a reduction of woody fuel during subsequent decades. This decrease in fuel loading can lessen the impact and frequency of catastrophic wildfires for up to 40 years in some cases.