May 2021

Agriculture and forestry coalition moves to defend gray wolf delisting

WASHINGTON (May 21, 2021) — This week, a coalition of agriculture and forestry groups — including the American Farm Bureau Federation, the American Forest Resources Council, the American Sheep Industry Association, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, and the Public Lands Council — filed motions in court in defense of delisting of the gray wolf under […]

U.S. District Court Decision Allows Shasta-Trinity National Forest Project to Proceed After Long Delay

The American Forest Resource Council (AFRC) applauds a federal court’s May 17 decision allowing the U.S. Forest Service to proceed with the long-delayed Pettijohn Late Successional Reserve Habitat Improvement and Fuels Reduction Project on the Shasta-Trinity National Forest near Weaverville, CA. AFRC intervened to defend the project in the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of […]