Today, the American Forestry Resource Council (AFRC) and Western Energy Alliance (Alliance) submitted an amicus brief to the Supreme Court in support of the petitioners in Seven County Infrastructure Coalition and Uinta Basin Railway, LLC v. Eagle County, Colorado et al. Mountain States Legal Foundation, led by counsel Ivan London and Grady J. Block, prepared […]
Press Releases
Over $100M in Climate Funds Spent on Forestry Projects That Don’t Reduce Net Carbon Emissions – Explainer
The fate of Washington’s cap-and-trade law, the Climate Commitment Act (CCA), will be decided by voters this November. Proponents of the law often claim that repealing the CCA would eliminate critical funding to improve forest health, reduce wildfire risk, and make forests more resilient to climate change. However, these claims don’t square up with how […]
Pacific County Judge Rejects Anti-Forestry Lawsuit Targeting Washington DNR Timber Sale
Pacific County Superior Court Judge Donald J. Richter last week rejected a lawsuit by anti-forestry groups claiming the Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR) violated state laws in approving a timber sale in mature forest stands, also politically labeled as “legacy forests,” on public working forests known as state trust lands. This case on the […]
Federal Judge Allows Pintler Face Project on Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest to Proceed
The Pintler Face Project on the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest can proceed with commercial timber harvest activities after U.S. District Court Judge Dana Christensen today denied, in part, a motion for a preliminary injunction sought by anti-forestry groups. The American Forest Resource Council (AFRC) became involved in the litigation due to its potential impacts on AFRC […]
Proposed Closure of 77,000 Acres of Public Working Forests Threatens Critical Washington State Services and Jobs
Washington faces significant social and economic risks if anti-forestry groups are successful in pushing the Board of Natural Resources and candidates for Commissioner of Public Lands to close an additional 77,000 acres of public working forests in western Washington, known as Department of Natural Resources (DNR) state trust lands. These public working forests also provide […]
Supreme Court To Hear Critical Case On NEPA’s Scope And Application
On a matter of vital importance, the Supreme Court of the United States today granted certiorari in the case of Seven County Infrastructure Coalition v. Eagle County, Colorado. This case presents a crucial opportunity to address the extensive and often overreaching applications of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), which have significant implications for infrastructure […]
Politically Driven Nationwide Old Growth Amendment Fails to Address Primary Threats to Old Forests, Harms Efforts to Address Wildfire Crisis
The American Forest Resource Council (AFRC) today said the U.S. Forest Service’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement for its proposed nationwide old growth amendment will not address the primary threats to old growth forests on National Forest System lands, including severe wildfires, insect infestations, and disease that have already devastated nearly 700,000 acres of old growth […]
Science Says: Wildfires, Aging Forests Are Contributing to Climate Change
Managing Forests, Using Wood Products Deliver Sustained Climate Benefits A new report by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) should question the narrative the United States is running out of old growth, and “protecting the last remaining” old growth is the only solution to combatting climate change. Research suggests forests are aging and severe wildfires and […]
Mountain States Legal Foundation and American Forest Resource Council fight NEPA abuse
In America, checks and balances serve a critical purpose: they prevent the concentration of power in any single branch of government. They also keep the people’s expression of the “public interest” at the forefront of federal laws and regulations. However, recent actions by the D.C. Circuit Court—now pending before the U.S. Supreme Court in a […]
King County ‘Wishbone’ Ruling Got it Wrong: Why Using Timber from DNR State Trust Lands is a Net Positive for Our Climate
Does permanently setting aside mature forests on Department of Natural Resources (DNR) managed state trust lands provide a larger carbon benefit than harvesting and storing that carbon in Washington-made wood products? This question is relevant after anti-forestry activists sued and convinced a King County Judge to halt the Wishbone timber sale in late March, ordering […]